Quantum GeneratorQuantum Generator


Price$ 1,000,000
RequirementsDrawing “Quantum Generator”
Staff required150 employees
XP gained for constructing180 XP
Size7×7 tiles
Must be placed onLand
Road requiredNo
Max number of facilities5
Available fromMay 17, 2013
 Construction / upgrading costsConstruction / upgrading timeEnergy Units producedEnergy Units per cell
Level 1$ 250,00036:00:004,30087,8
Level 2$ 425,00046:48:004,60093,9
Level 3$ 722,49960:50:244,900100,0
Level 4$ 1,228,24979:05:305,200106,1
Level 5$ 2,088,024102:49:105,500112,2
Level 6$ 3,549,642133:39:545,800118,4
Level 7$ 6,034,392173:45:546,100124,5
  • The blueprint for this structures drawing is made up of 12 unique pieces.  The first piece was offered as part of the weekly bonus attached to a Facebook offer on Friday, May 17, 2013.  The remaining 11 pieces reportedly “can be acquired as bonuses when buying currency at the bank or as prizes in future promotions,” according to a PI blog message.
  • Currently, the remaining pieces have only been offered once through bank purchases which would require players to spend $319.95 of real cash to complete the blueprint.  The complete blueprint cannot be purchased using € like other drawing structures.
  • Drawing piece #2 was offered as part of the weekly bonus (May 17, 2013)
  • Drawing pieces #1 and #7 were available during the Chasing Quantum event.
  • Drawing pieces #3 and #10 were available during the Chasing Quantum 2 event.
  • Drawing pieces #2 and #8 were available during the Chasing Quantum 3 event.
  • Drawing pieces #4 and #11 were available during the Chasing Quantum 4 event.
  • Drawing pieces #5 and #9 were available during the Chasing Quantum 5 event.
  • Drawing pieces #6 and #12 were available during the Chasing Quantum 6 event.
  • Drawing piece #12 is been offered through bank purchases.

Door quantum

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