About the device; it has a 10KW output electric-power rating and weighs about 120 pounds. Obviously the weight will reduce with time. The major component of which it is composed is the Stator, which requires and intricate but doable winding. It also has a variac, an electric motor, a transformer, 10 capacitors, etcetera, but surprisingly enough contains no magnets. It was developed by the engineer, James Robitaille, who has almost 30 years experience in electronic engineering, some assistance from the secretive WITTS engineer Timothy Thrapp. The device requires a 1KW motor to drive a rotor up to a speed of what the call resonance. Once resonance is achieved, the device can go into self-sustain mode and input power can be switched off. They have build it to be very rugged, with readily available parts, negating the need for new materials science or development.
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- Toroid and Quantum Energy Generator Project
- Quantum Energy Generator
- Electric Generator: Quantum Energy Generator – Open SourcedElectric Generator:
The below video shows the current work they’re doing training people in Taiwan on how to build their own devices. So far this all looks genuine but once replications start being announced, or not, then we’ll know for certain whether it truly works or not.